Did you know that every MP3 player is saddled with the cost of purchasing an MP3 licence?
Yes, the people who originally developed the software / firmware that enables us to listen to digital music files demand a piece of the action for every maunfacturer who makes iPods or similar devices. Obvioulsy the people who pick up the tabe are the likes of you and me.
There's a spat underway between the people who enforce this arrangment and a manufacturer, SanDisk.
Sandisk claim that their latest MP3 player plays its MP3 files without using whatever code normally would be required. For that reason they don't think they need to pay anyone. A German trade fair was recently the scene of a raid in which SanDisk players were removed from view following a court order.
A couple of days later SanDisk got this ruling overturned and their devices reappeared. But the case rumbles on.
However - the MP3 licence can't last forever, indeed it expires in a couple of years. Expect a drop in MP3 player prices, but also be on the lookout for some new trademarked and copyrighted technology to keep that old revenue stream flowing.
Yes, the people who originally developed the software / firmware that enables us to listen to digital music files demand a piece of the action for every maunfacturer who makes iPods or similar devices. Obvioulsy the people who pick up the tabe are the likes of you and me.
There's a spat underway between the people who enforce this arrangment and a manufacturer, SanDisk.
Sandisk claim that their latest MP3 player plays its MP3 files without using whatever code normally would be required. For that reason they don't think they need to pay anyone. A German trade fair was recently the scene of a raid in which SanDisk players were removed from view following a court order.
A couple of days later SanDisk got this ruling overturned and their devices reappeared. But the case rumbles on.
However - the MP3 licence can't last forever, indeed it expires in a couple of years. Expect a drop in MP3 player prices, but also be on the lookout for some new trademarked and copyrighted technology to keep that old revenue stream flowing.