Sunday, November 25, 2007

50p CD Ripping Service - An Update

A few weeks ago we took a deep breath and announced that our MP3 CD ripping service ( was dropping its price down to 50p per CD. It was something of a leap into the unknown, although I'd done my sums from the service provision perspective I wasn't sure what the market reaction would be.

When I see a low price I feel nervous - is it old stock, will I get a much reduced service? Where's the catch?

Well it's been interesting to see how our clients have dealt with their reaction to 50p CD ripping. Mainly they've taken the sensible route by ringing or emailing sensible questions and we've been able to satisfy their curiosity. As a result the number of CDs have more than doubled and you don't have to do much maths to see we're now ahead financially. I have been surprised at the number of clients who have been prepared to drive their CDs over to us and then collect them. They save money (batch sizes are up too, so savings are significant when you have 300 or more CDs) and we're up on the deal too.

One of the interesting things in my mind when I first had the 50p CD ripping idea was how would our competitors react? One or two say they will match any price so maybe that accounts for the odd couple of phone calls and emails to confirm or prices. Good for them if they're matching 50p per CD - don't you just like market forces?

If you want to know more about our 50p per CD MP3 music ripping service check out


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